50 Configuring the DRAC 4 to Use a Serial or Telnet Text Console
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For example, to display a list of all of the settings for the cfgSerial group, type the following:
racadm getconfig -g cfgSerial
To display the current settings for a particular group remotely, type the following from a remote
command prompt:
racadm -u <
> -p <
> -r <
DRAC 4 IP address
> getconfig -g
For example, to display a list of all of the settings for the cfgSerial group remotely, type the
following from a management station:
racadm -u root -p calvin -r getconfig -g cfgSerial
Configuring the Telnet Port Number
Type the following command to change the telnet port number on the DRAC 4.
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneTelnetPort <
new port number
Using the Secure Shell (SSH)
It is mission critical for devices and device management to be secure. Connected embedded
devices are at the core of many business processes. If their security is compromised, your
customer's business may be at high risk and it also places new security demands on command
line interface (CLI) device management software. Secure Shell (SSH) is a command line session
that has the same capabilities as a telnet session, but with higher security. The DRAC 4 supports
SSH version 2 with password authentication. SSH is enabled on the DRAC 4 when you install or
update your DRAC 4 firmware.
NOTE: SSH is not available for the first fifteen minutes of operation after installing/updating the DRAC 4
firmware. During this time the host keys are generated internally. No intervention is required for the host
key generation. If this operation is interrupted for any reason, key generation will start over the next time
the DRAC 4 starts up.
You can use either PuTTY or OpenSSH on the management station to connect to the managed
system’s DRAC 4.
NOTE: OpenSSH should be run from a VT100 or ANSI terminal emulator on Windows
. Running
OpenSSH at the Windows command prompt does not result in full functionality (that is, some keys do not
respond and no graphics are displayed).
Only one SSH session is supported at any given time. The session time-out is controlled with
the cfgSsnMgtSshIdleTimeout object as described in the "
DRAC 4 Property Database Group
and Object Definitions."
You can enable the SSH on the DRAC 4 with the command:
racadm config -g cfgSerial -o cfgSerialSshEnable 1