Eagle Electronics II Fish Finder User Manual

value of HDOP, VDOP, and TDOP. The smaller the
GDOP’s number is, the better. The GPS receiver se-
lects satellites based on GDOP, therefore it always tries
to use satellites that have good DOP values. These
depend on the azimuth and elevation of the satellite,
and any ground based obstructions.
Remember, the smaller the number - the better on all of
the DOPs.
The position screen automatically appears after the
AccuNav Sport™ is initialized or you can view this
screen at any time by pressing the POS key. The
position display shows your present position (POSI-
TION), bearing (BRG), course over ground (COG), local
time, cross track error (XTE), time to go to waypoint
(TTG), and waypoint name (WPT NAME).
Your present position shows near the top of the screen
in latitude/longitude coordinates. This is shown in de-
grees, minutes, and thousandths of a minute. For ex-
ample, on this page, the present position is 36 degrees,
8.987 minutes north latitude and 95 degrees, 50.553
minutes west longitude. Below the present position on
the left side is the
Bearing to Waypoint
(BRG) display. This is
expressed in degrees
true or magnetic, de-
pending on the mode
the AccuNav Sport™
is in. To the right of
the Bearing is the
Course Over Ground
(COG) display. At the
bottom of the screen