The digital displays available for use are:
BRG ................................. Bearing
SOG ................................. Speed Over Ground
DTG.................................. Distance To Go
DEST WPT ...................... Destination Waypoint
POSITION ........................ Present Position
ALT .................................. Altitude
RTE NAME....................... Route Name
WPT NAME...................... Waypoint Name
TTG .................................. Time To Go
XTE .................................. Cross Track Error
LOCAL TIME.................... Time at your location
COG ................................. Course Over Ground
The plotter lets you see your course and direction of
travel on the screen. If you’ve recalled a waypoint, the
plotter shows your starting location, present position,
and destination. However, you do not have to recall a
waypoint to use the
The plotter also can
show grid lines on the
display. These grid
lines show latitude
and longitude lines
that can help you see
your position or the
location of other ob-