Eagle Electronics II Fish Finder User Manual

To change another digital display, press the left or right
arrow key. The label in the next digital display box
changes as you press the arrow key. Again, press the up
or down arrow key to change the display.
When you have the display arranged as desired, press
the CLEAR key. This
“locks” the display.
Every time you switch
to this display, it will
appear as you de-
signed it, unless you
preset the unit.
DISPLAY" label. The unit returns to the Position Screen
with a black box around the Bearing (BRG) label as
shown on the previous page.
The black box identifies the Bearing box as “ready for
change.” To change the Bearing display to a different
one, press the up or down arrow keys to select the
display that you want to show inside the box.
In this example, we changed the Bearing display to DTG
(Distance To Go) by pressing the up arrow key twice.
(See the position screen below.)