Eagle Electronics II Fish Finder User Manual

Now you can change the other alarm or press the CLR
key to leave the alarm menu.
You can return to this alarm screen at any time to adjust
either alarm, turn one off, or both of them on, as desired.
Each alarm works and adjusts independently of the
other. A description
of each alarm follows.
The arrival alarm
sounds a tone when
your position is within
the alarm’s radius of
a waypoint. For ex-
ample, the alarm
sounds if you come
within .1 mile of a re-
called waypoint if the arrival alarm’s setting is .1 mile.
The alarm is adjustable from .01 to 9.99 miles.
The XTE (cross track error) alarm sounds a tone when
your cross track error is greater than the alarm’s setting.
Changing the XTE
alarm also changes
the XTE range on the
steering screen. The
alarm is adjustable
from 0.1 to 9.99 miles.