160 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised March 2008
OPERANDS The following operands are supported:
When the command is executed, a prompt to confirm execution of the command
with the specified options is displayed. Enter "y" to execute the command or "n"to
cancel the command.
EXAMPLE 1 Setsfalse for theuse-nvramrc? OpenBoot PROMenvironment variable of
domain ID 0.
EXAMPLE 2 Setsnone for thesecurity-mode OpenBoot PROMenvironment variable of
domain ID 0.
EXAMPLE 3 Initializes the OpenBoot PROM environment variables of the domain ID 0 to
the settings at the time of shipment from the factory.
EXAMPLE 4 Initializes the OpenBoot PROM environment variables of the domain ID 1 to
the settings at the time of shipment from the factory. Automatically replies
with 'y' without displaying the prompt.
use-nvramrc Sets false for the use-nvramrc? environment variable.
security-mode Sets none to the security-mode? environment variable.
set-defaults Restores the OpenBoot PROM environment variables to the
settings at the time of shipment from the factory
XSCF> setdomrarm -d 0 use-nvramrc
DomainIDs of domains that will be affected:00,01
OpenBoot PROM variable use-nvram will be set to false.
Continue? [y|n]:y
XSCF> setdomrarm -d 0 security-mode
DomainIDs of domains that will be affected:00,01
OpenBoot PROM variable security-mode will be set to none.
Continue? [y|n]:y
XSCF> setdomrarm -d 0 set-defaults
DomainIDs of domains that will be affected:00
All OpenBoot PROM variable will be reset to original default values.
Continue? [y|n]:y
XSCF> setdomrarm -q -y -d 1 set-defaults