Furuno FCR-21x9-BB Marine RADAR User Manual

7.13.1 How to insert update symbols
An update symbol can be added as shown in the procedure below.
Note: An update symbol that straddles the international date line cannot be edited. In-
this case, insert the same symbol on each side of the line.
1. Go to the Voyage navigation mode.
2. Click the [Manual Update] button on the InstantAccess bar to open the [Manual
Update] dialog box.
3. Click the [Planning] tab.
4. Click the [Add] button.
Note: The above window can also be shown from the context-sensitive menu.
Right-click the display area then select [Manual Update] and [Add New].
5. Use the [Drawing Type] pull-down list to select drawing type: point, line or area.
6. Click desired object.