Furuno FCR-2807 Marine RADAR User Manual

12. User Chart Control
12.6.2 Symbol page
The Symbol page lets you
draw symbols on a user chart.
To choose this page, push the
right mouse button (Next
Card), click the tab with the
left mouse button or hit the
NEXT key on the keyboard-
equipped control unit.
Enable changes:
Check in order to modify user chart.
Note: The user chart may only be modified in the Course-up or North-up mode.
Symbol box:
Shows the current and total number of symbols
You can choose either Label (displayed only on chart radar) or Symbol (displayed also on TT
If available, user can give name to symbol.
If available, user can give name for displayed text on chart radar
Manually enter latitude and longitude of symbol in this box.
Display on radar:
Check to also display the symbol on the radar screen.
Danger Symbol:
Check to use symbol in chart calculation.
Add new record to end of symbol list.
Choose a user chart from which to import symbols.
This function deletes current symbol.