Furuno FCR-2807 Marine RADAR User Manual

creating, 13-8
current record page, 13-5
deleting, 13-9
edit record page, 13-7
importing, 13-10
introduction, 13-1
modes, 13-2
modifying, 13-9
monitor mode, 13-4
new, 13-8
plan mode, 13-6
record position, 13-9
using, 13-3
view record page, 13-5
Objects and their information, 7-70
OFF CENTER key, 2-22
charts, 7-51
radar, 2-22
Offset EBL (radar)
collision assessment with, 2-19
point of reference for origin point, 2-20
Optimization parameters, 19-4
Orange symbols
deleting, 8-6
editing position of, 8-7
inserting, 8-3, 8-5
Other 1 page, 7-55
Other 2 page, 7-55
Others page, 15-1
Own ship symbol, 2-27
menus for setting, 19-1
optimization, 19-4
route, 19-3
ship, 19-3
time setting, 19-2
Parameters page, 10-8
Parts list
chart processor unit, AP-82
radar, AP-75
Parts location
chart processor unit, AP-92
radar, AP-82
Passage plan report, 10-18
Past position display
AIS, 5-16
TT, 4-14
Performance monitor, 2-39
Permanent messages (charts), 7-3
PI (Parallel Index) lines
bearing reference, 2-25
displaying, 2-25
max. no of lines, 2-26
orientation, 2-26
resetting, 2-26
Picture freeze, 1-4
Point page, 12-9
alignment by chart radar, 15-9
alignment resetting, 15-10
primary and secondary, 15-4
recording, 16-5
sensor selection, 15-2
source, 15-2
Position discrepancy alert, 15-4
Position source selection, 1-14
POSN page, 15-2
POWER key, 1-3
Power ON/OFF, 1-3
Prepare page, 10-8
Presentation library, 7-69
Presentation modes (radar), 2-5
CD ROM contents, 7-10
font size for logs, choosing, 16-10
latest alert, 16-13
logs, 16-9
Program version number, xvi
Properties of chart object, 7-71
Publisher notes, 7-10
Pulse length, 2-18
RACON, 3-6
Radar alerts, 20-15
Radar indications
chart radar mode, 2-2
radar mode, 2-1
Radar picture setup
introduction, 2-28
programming, 2-30
restoring default, 2-32
restoring user settings for, 2-32
selecting, 2-30
Radar Target Enhancer (RTE), 3-6
charts, 7-51
radar, 2-11
Range and bearing measurement between two
targets, 2-21
RANGE key, 2-11, 7-51
Range measurement
range rings, 2-15
VRM, 2-16
Range measurement (radar), 2-16
Range rings on/off, 2-15
conditions for voyage logging, 16-4
event, 16-1
MOB, 16-1
position, 16-5
Reference position (radar), 2-41