15. Navigation Sensors
15.6.1 Position alignment
The position alignment feature functions to fine tune ship’s position by using radar, radar echo target and chart radar
chart material.
If position alignment is in use, the chart radar will generate the following alert every 30 minutes to remind the user
to align position: "411 ChartAlign: over 30 min".
15.6.2 Position alignment by means of the chart radar
If the radar echo targets' symbols are not positioned correctly, there is either position error or gyro error or some
combination of these errors.
Position may be aligned on the chart radar display by moving own ship position or by moving Radar target position.
Moving is done by dragging and dropping own ship symbol or Radar target to desired location. Drag and drop
means that you place the object on desired location by rolling the trackball while pressing and holding down the left
button then "anchoring" the object by releasing the left button.
Note: If the radar is on the chart radar display when position alignment is done, then
• Mode of radar is temporarily changed to "Radar over Chart".
• Chart radar temporarily uses radar color also for own ship and TTs symbols.
To align position, do the following:
1. Choose suitable radar target manually for tracking.
2. Put the cursor on the position indication in the information area then push the right button to display the Sensors
dialog box. Open the Posn page, then check Chart Align.
3. Use the trackball and the left button to drag and drop a symbol or suitable chart detail on a radar target. See
figures below.
Before position alignment After position alignment
4. If the position source is dead reckoning, the position set with chart alignment is the new start position for dead
reckoning. In this case, there is no offset and the text indication OFFSET does not appear. If the position source
is something other than dead reckoning, then the indication OFFSET is displayed at the upper part of the
information area. Also the range and bearing of the offset are shown in the Posn page of the Sensors dialog box.