Lucent Technologies PA-8500 Life Jacket User Manual

To troubleshoot and replace a failed C419/C619, see FTX Operating System: DNCP Series 400/400-CO (PA-8500)
Operation and Maintenance Guide (RXXX). For other information on the C419/C619 modem, see the vendor manual
shipped with the modem.
Tape and CD-ROM Drives
DNCP Series 400/400-CO (PA-8500) systems support the T800-series tape and the D85X CD-ROM drives. For
information about tape drive operation and maintenance, refer to DNCP Series 400/400-CO (PA-8500): Tape Drive
Operation Guide (R716). For information about CD-ROM drive operation and maintenance, refer to DNCP Series
400/400-CO (PA-8500): CD-ROM Drive Installation and Operation Guide (R720).
Chapter 1