Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006
Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 –01/31/01
FAX - Technical Support Checklist
To expedite the resolution of your question and to help you track it,
please complete this checklist before you contact the Newpoint
Technical Support Group. This form also serves as a faxed Technical
Support Request; fill in all information you can provide and fax to
Technical Support. (Shaded information will be provided by the
Support Engineer who works with you to resolve reported issues.)
(Note that if you are not currently under Warranty, or have not
purchased a support plan, then Pay-per-Call charges apply.)
Issue Open Date:
Support Request
Issue Close Date:
Company Name Phone
Contact Fax
Site ID
Date / Time
to Contact
You (EST)
Assigned Case Number:
O/S &
Assigned Priority:
Support Engineer:
Description of the problem:
Other useful information (error logs, troubleshooting attempts and
results, etc.):
Description of the solution: