Chapter 4
Business Features Package
Appointment Reminder
Keysets with an alarm key can be used like an alarm clock. When programmed for a specific
time, the keyset will sound a distinctive ring to remind the user of meetings or appointments.
Alarms can be set for “today” only or for every day at the same time. Up to three alarms may
be set at each keyset. Display keysets can also show a programmed message when the
alarm rings.
Automatic Hold
Station users can enable or disable automatic hold at their keysets. While a user is engaged
on an outside (C.O.) call, pressing another trunk key, route key or CALL key automatically
puts the call on hold when this feature is enabled. Pressing TRANSFER (or TRSF), CON-
FERENCE, PAGE or a DSS key will always automatically place the call on hold. This type of
automatic hold is not a user-selectable option.
NOTE: Internal calls cannot be automatically held.
Automatic Privacy
All conversations on outside lines and internal calls are automatically private. The privacy
feature can be turned off on a per-line basis.
Background Music
Keyset users may choose to hear music through their keyset speakers when optional exter-
nal sources are installed. Each user may adjust this level by the use of a volume control pro-
gram at the selected keyset.
Busy Station Callback
When reaching a busy station, callers may request a callback by pressing a key or dialling a
code. The system rings the caller back when that station becomes idle (a system-wide
maximum of 100 callbacks are allowed at one time, including busy station and busy trunk).
Busy Station Indications (or Busy Lamp Fields, BLF)
DSS/BLF keys may be assigned to any keyset or add-on module. These keys will be off
when the station is idle, light red when that station is in use and flash distinctively when that
station is in DND mode.
Call Forwarding
Station users can forward internal and outside calls to other destinations using the following
options (refer to Call Forwarding
in System Features for full descriptions):
●immediately (Forward All)
●when busy (Forward Busy)
●if not answered in a programmable time (Forward No Answer)
if either busy or not answered in a programmable time (Forward Busy/No Answer)
●when in Do Not Disturb (DND) mode (Forward DND)
There are similar options for networked systems. These call forward destinations can all be
different. Once a destination has been programmed, it can be turned on and off with a pro-
grammable key. Forward All takes priority over Busy and No Answer conditions.