Samsung iDCS100 Boating Equipment User Manual

Chapter 4
Business Features Package
Display Features
Account Code Display Calling Party Number
Call Duration Timer Conference Information
Call for Group Identification Date and Time Display
Call Logs Dial By Name
Call Processing Information Dialled Number
Caller ID (CID) Information Enhanced Station Programming
Name/Number Display Identification of Recalls
Next Call Identification of Transfers
Save CID Number Message Waiting Caller Number
Store CID Number Outside Line Identification
Inquire Park/Hold Override Identification
CID Review List Programmed Message Display
Investigate Soft Keys
Abandoned Call List Stopwatch Timer
Calling Party Name UCD Supervisor Displays
Display Feature Descriptions
Account Code Display
Account codes are conveniently displayed for easy confirmation. If entered incorrectly, users
may press the ACCOUNT key again and reenter the account code.
Call Duration Timer
The system can automatically time outside calls and show the duration in minutes and
seconds. Station users may manually time calls by pressing the TIMER key.
Call for Group Identification
When a call is made to a station group, the display shows [CALL FOR GROUP] and the
user’s group number. These calls can be answered with a different greeting than calls sent
directly to the user’s extension number.
Call Logs
A display keyset user can review a list of up to 50 numbers containing the most recent incom-
ing calls to the keyset and external telephone numbers dialled from the keyset. The numbers
can be viewed, stored and/or dialled using the associated soft keys.
NOTE: Call Logs are only available with a MEM4 card installed.
Call Processing Information
During everyday call handling, the keyset display will provide helpful information, e.g. [CALL
FROM 203]. In some cases, the user is prompted to take action and in other cases receives
directory information.