While viewing the LOG DATE screen -
> Pressing and releasing the A button will access that dive’s Log Screen #1 (SCR1).
> Pressing and releasing the S button repeatedly (< 2 sec each time) steps through the recorded
LOG DATE screens. Pressing and holding it, scrolls through them at a rate of 8 per second.
The Backlight does not operate when S is pressed.
> Pressing both buttons for 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
LOG Screen #1 (SCR1 - Fig. 22)
• Alpha graphic SCR1
• Temperature (minimum recorded that dive) with degrees icon and graphic F (or C)
• Surface Interval if a repetitive dive, 3 dashes ( - : - - ) if no previous dive that Activation Period,
with TIME and SURFACE icons
• NITROX icon, blank if Air or Gauge
• Max Depth achieved with FEET (or METERS) icon
• Elapsed Dive Time with MINUTES icon
• N2BG, max accumulated segment flashing, others fixed up to end-of-dive accumulation, all
flashing for Violations.
• Ascent Rate Indicator, displaying max rate sustained for 4 consecutive seconds
> Pressing and releasing the A button will access that dive’s LOG Screen #2.
> Pressing both buttons for 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
Fig. 22 - Log Screen #1