
As you ascend from depth following a dive that has approached the no decompression limit, the Nitrogen Bar Graph will re-
cede as control shifts to slower compartments. This is a feature of the decompression model that is the basis for multilevel div-
ing, one of the most important advantages the Insight offers.
The no decompression algorithm is based upon Haldane’s theory using maximum allowable nitrogen levels developed by
Merrill Spencer. Repetitive diving control is based upon experiments designed and conducted by Dr. Ray Rogers and Dr.
Michael Powell in 1987. Diving Science and Technology
(DSAT), a corporate affiliate of PADI
, commissioned these ex-
O2 Time Remaining
As oxygen accumulation increases during a nitrox dive, DTR decreases before reaching the oxygen limit for that dive or 24
hour period. When the O2 time becomes less than the No Deco DTR (NDL), calculations for the current depth will be con-
trolled by oxygen and O2 Time Remaining will then be displayed.