Simrad EQ60
857-164342 / Rev.C
External interfaces
The echo sounder provides one or more multi purpose RS-232
ports (9-pin male D-connector) for external interfacing. On the
Simrad EQ60, these are used for:
• Navigation (GPS) interface (NMEA)
• Annotation text input (NMEA)
• Depth telegram output (NMEA)
• Heave sensor input
• Post-processing data (ethernet interface)
• ITI (Integrated Trawl Instrumentation) communication
• Purse seine
• Temperature sensor input
An analogue heave sensor and a temperature sensing thermistor
may be connected directly to the Auxiliary connector on the
echo sounder. If an optional General Purpose Transceiver (GPT)
is used on the same system, the sensors must be connected to
either the echo sounder or the GPT.
A colour printer may be connected to the printer port (25-pin
female D-connector) at the side of the echo sounder.
Navigation (GPS)
GPS (Global Positioning System) receivers output NMEA 0183
telegrams containing geographical latitude and longitude. The
defined communication parameters are:
• 4800 bits per second
• 8 data bits
• no parity
• one stop bit
Most navigation receivers also allow different parameters to be
Connect the navigation receiver to a free RS-232 port. Only the
signal (Rx, pin 2) and ground wires (pin 5) need to be
connected. Connect only the signal wire (Tx, pin 3) and the
ground wire (pin 5) to the GPS system’s output. Maximum
cable length is approximately 50 meters.
The connection must be established in the software as well.
Observe the following procedure:
1 Open the Navigation Interface dialogue box.