Transducer installation
857-164342 / Rev.C
Flush mounting in a steel tank
Flush mounting is used on very large vessels with a hull so deep
that no air bubbles are found below the hull, and on vessels
operating in shallow harbours or waters, where a protruding
blister can not be accepted.
The standard procedure for flush mounting on a steel vessel is to
weld a steel tank inside the hull, and mount the transducer into
this tank. As for a blister, the interior of the tank must be filled
with water. This can be accomplished by air release through a
steel tube, which is extended either to open air 1.5 m above the
water line or to the water outside the hull at a point higher than
the tank interior. If the tube is extended to open air, drainage
must be provided with leakage at the transducer flange or a
separate hole in the tank bottom. Transducer mounting in a steel
tank is shown in the figure below.
Figure 27 Flush mounting of
transducer in steel tank
Steel tube for
air outlet
Steel tank
Stuffing tube
Drainage hole