Simrad EQ60
857-164342 / Rev.C
Options menu
The following commands are available on the Options menu:
→ Language, page 93
→ Depth unit, see below
→ Temperature unit, see below
→ Palette, see below
→ Beeper, see below
→ Save settings, see below
→ Restore settings, see below
→ Factory Settings, page 87
This entry opens the Language dialogue box for language
Depth unit
All depth values are expressed in meters, English feet (1 ft =
0.3048 m), nautical fathoms (1 ftm = 1.852 m) or Italian Passi
Braccia (1 pb = 1.65 m). The Depth Unit entry activates a
submenu to select one of these alternatives.
Temperature unit
Water temperature is shown in degrees Celsius or degrees
Fahrenheit on the Status Bar.TheTemperature Unit entry
activates a submenu to select one of the two alternatives.
Different light intensities on the display are provided according
to IMO (International Maritime Organisation)
recommendations. A bright display is required on a sunny
summer day, and a low light intensity is required at night in
order not to ruin the night vision of the crew at the bridge of the
vessel. The Palette entry activates a submenu to select the
display brightness.
This entry activates a submenu to control when the audible
warning signal is active to alert about status messages and
alarms. No dialogues are provided.
Save settings
The echo sounder memorises all its parameter settings between
power is turned off until it is turned on again at a later time. The
Save Settings entry writes a snapshot of all parameter settings
into static memory. No dialogues are provided.