│ISSACFG SSA Configurator and Service Aids yymmdd DOS Version │
│ Main Menu │
│ ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐
│ │ Disk Service Aids │
│ ├─────────────────────────────────────┤
│ │ Link SSA UID Status │
│ │ Port A1 │
│ │ UIDxxxxx │
│ │ UIDyxxxx │
│ │ UID3xxxx │
│ │ UID4xxxx │
│ │ Port A2 │
│ │ Port B1 │
│ │ No disks │
└──│ Port B2 │
│ │
│ │
│<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help <F2> Format │
│<F3> Certify <F4> ServiceMode <F5> Diagnostics <F9> FlashOn │
│<F1> FlashOff │
3. Select the disk drive that you want to certify.
4. If you are not sure of the identification of the drive use the Identify function to get a
positive physical identification (see “The Identify Function” on page 37). You can
further ensure that you have selected the correct disk drive by verifying that the
serial number on the disk drive is the same as that displayed on the screen.
5. When you are sure that you have selected the correct disk drive, press F3
6. If you want to find out how the certify operation is progressing, look at the resource
To Certify With the RSM Configurator
1. Start the RSM Configurator (see “Accessing Service Aids from the RSM
Configurator” on page 30).
2. On the Adapter List page, select the required adapter.
3. On the Adapter View page, select the Physical View.
4. On the Physical View page, select the required disk drive.
5. On the Disk View page, click on the Certify button at the bottom of the page.
36 IBM SerialRAID Adapter Maintenance Information