Ï Specifying the color of map
˝ Specifying the display mode
The color of map border can be selected from among seven available colors.
q Press the [MENU] key.
The Main Menu screen will appear.
w Select “Screen Setting” using the [UP] or [DOWN] key and press the [SET] key.
The Screen Setting screen will appear.
e Select “DISP MAPS” (display maps) using the [UP] or [DOWN] key and press
the [SET] key.
The selected item turns blue.
r Move to the color field using the [LEFT] or [RIGHT] key.
The color field will be highlighted in yellow.
t Select the desired color from among available colors (White (WHIT), Yellow
(YELL), Light blue (LBLU), Purple (PURP), Red, Green (GREE), Blue) using the
[UP] or [DOWN] key and press the [SET] key.
Map border will be displayed in the selected color.
* When you select “OFF” and press the [SET] key, map border are not displayed.
y When you finish setting the color of map border, press the [MENU] key.
You will return to the previous screen.
These color settings can be memorized and selected from two display
q Press the [MENU] key.
The Main Menu screen will appear.
w Select “Plotter Menu” using the [UP] or [DOWN] key and press the [SET] key.
The Plotter Menu screen will appear.
e Select “DISP MODE” (display mode) using the [LEFT] or [RIGHT] key and press
the [SET] key.
Color settings will be displayed in the memorized colors.
r When you finish selection, press the [MENU] key.
You will return to the previous screen.