Teledyne 5499 Marine Instruments User Manual

APIcom Instruction Manual Configuration
Step Action Comment
Click on
to create a new site
Specify the site’s properties.
to finish
Select Settings-Instruments from the menu or
click on the
toolbar button
Create an instrument.
Click on
to create a new instrument
and specify the instrument’s properties
to finish
Attach a serial cable Refer to the following paragraph.
Attach a serial cable from the computer’s COM (Serial) port that was specified in the site configuration to
the RS-232 port of the instrument. The cable must be a “straight-through” cable with a DB-9, female
plug on the instrument’s site and either a DB-9 or DB-25, female plug at the computer’s side. Please
refer to the computer’s user manual on how to use the Serial port. Make sure that the plugs are securely
fastened to ensure proper connection.
Configure the COM port Refer to the following paragraphs.
From the Windows START menu, select Settings-Control Panels-Ports and make sure that the
computer’s COM/Serial port is configured to the same baud rate as specified in the Instrument settings
above. The COM settings must be as follows:
BAUD rate: up to 19200 kbaud, we recommend 9600. Longer cables may require lower baud rates.
E-series instruments support up to 115 kbaud.
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
Optionally, newer instruments support Xon/Xoff flow control, which must be enabled in both the
instrument and APIcom and must also be available for all instruments within one multi-drop chain.
Once all settings are configured, perform the remaining steps to connect to the instrument.
on the toolbar or select File-Connect
from the menu
APIcom displays the Instrument
connection dialog box (refer to Figure
Click on the name of the desired instrument In this example, you would click on Local
Instrument (refer to Figure 2-2).
to finish.
05499 Rev. A 2-2