APIcom Instruction Manual iDAS Configuration and Data Access
4.9.1. Changing the Precision of iDAS Data When Viewing or
Downloaded data are formatted using the precision setting specified in the instrument’s iDAS
configuration. However, iDAS data are always downloaded in their full resolution, hence, the precision of
downloaded data can be changed for viewing or saving by editing the parameter’s properties and
changing the precision as desired.
4.10. Saving iDAS Data
After download, data can be saved to a file by selecting one or more parameters in the Parameters list
and clicking
. Only data from the same record set can be saved in the same file. APIcom will
store each selected parameter in a separate column in the file, separated by commas so that the file can
be imported into other programs, such as a spreadsheet program for further analysis. The following
figure shows a sample of a saved data file, which is similar to the view format shown above, except. that
the saved file separates date and time columns.
Figure 4-13: Saved iDAS Data
The first line in the example above is the header line, which labels the columns. The data records begin
on the second line, and each consists of a complete time stamp and one or more readings. All fields are
separated by commas. Storing the number of samples will create another column labeled “Samples,”
which shows how many samples are in each average reading. Renaming this output file to an extension
“.csv” enables to launch it directly into Microsoft Excel when double-clicking on the file.
4.10.1. iDAS Data File Names
APIcom utilizes the long filename capability of Windows to help distinguish data files:
“<Instrument Name>-< Instrument Serial Number>-<Channel Name>-<1
Parameter Name>-
<YYYYMMDD>-<Record Set #>.txt”
4.10.2. Saving iDAS Data To An Existing File
iDAS data can be appended to an existing file by following the same steps as for saving the data.
Instead of accepting the automatically generated file name, simply click on an existing file in the file save
dialog. APIcom will prompt to replace the file with the new data or to append the new data to the end of
the file. When appending data, APIcom will not write a new header line.
Caution: APIcom allows to append data from different parameters or channels. This is because the
program does not log all saved data file names. Make sure to append data only to a file with compatible
column format, otherwise data may not line up with their correct date/time stamps.
4.11. Discarding iDAS Data
APIcom stores the downloaded iDAS data as long as it is connected to the instrument. When the
instrument is disconnected, the data are discarded to conserve memory. Make sure to download and
save data before they get overwritten in the iDAS.
iDAS data can consume up to several megabytes of the computer’s RAM memory. If the host computer
is experiencing memory shortages, try reducing the data amount that APIcom stores by only
downloading required data. Furthermore, data are duplicated for every graph window that is displayed.
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