APIcom Instruction Manual M700 Calibrator Sequences
Figure 5-15: Set CC Output Step Properties Dialog
The following table describes the property shown above.
Table 5-10: Set CC Output Step Properties
Property Description
Output Pattern The contact closure outputs will be set to the pattern indicated by checkboxes 1–12
when the step is executed.
5.4.14. Duplicating a Step
To duplicate an existing step, select the step to duplicate and click or right-click on the step
and select Duplicate Step from the context menu. APIcom will duplicate the step and add it to the end
of the sequence, but it can be repositioned using
and buttons.
5.4.15. Moving a Step
To move a step relative to the other steps in the sequence, select the step and reposition it using the
and buttons.
5.4.16. Deleting a Step
To delete a step from a sequence, select the step and click . Right-clicking on a step and
selecting Delete Step from the context menu will do the same. In either case, APIcom will confirm the
deletion with a dialog box like the following figure. Such confirmation prompts can be disabled in the
Settings-Options menu.
Figure 5-16: Delete Step Confirmation Dialog
5.5. Sending the Sequence Configuration to the
To send the sequence configuration to the instrument, click . Sending the sequence
configuration to the instrument will completely replace the instrument’s current sequence
configuration. Therefore, APIcom will confirm the operation with the following dialog box before
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