A major feature of APIcom is its ability to modify the built-in iDAS configuration and access the iDAS
data in a remote instrument. The current instrument configuration can be downloaded, modified, and
then sent back to the instrument. Once the iDAS configuration was downloaded, it can be edited off-line,
saving money on long distance phone connections to the instrument. For more information on the
instrument's iDAS, see the iDAS manual, API part # 02837A, available for download at:
Sending a iDAS configuration to the instrument will completely replace its existing configuration
and discard all of the instrument's stored data. We suggest that you download any data and save
both data and the configuration on local disk before making any changes to the iDAS.
iDAS data can be safely downloaded, graphed and saved in a file without discarding the configuration or
data in the instrument. The iDAS configuration can also be changed by using the instrument’s own
menus through the Front Panel Window by pressing the appropriate buttons. Changing the configuration
using the instrument’s own menus will only discard data stored in the instrument if the number of
records or parameters is changed. APIcom can also be used to automatically download data in
unattended mode and to append the data to existing files (see Section 4.12).
4.1. Supported Instruments
The iDAS capability of APIcom is only supported by AMX-based analyzers, not calibrators, as shown in
Table 4-1. Remote iDAS configuration is only supported in AMX instruments with library revision 2.1 or
higher. Check the library revision of an instrument by pressing SETUP-CFG or in the Instrument
Information Dialog. Please see Appendix A or the APIcom website for compatibility issues on advanced
iDAS functionality: http://www.teledyne-api.com/software/apicom.html
Table 4-1: Instruments Containing iDAS
M101A-AMX M300-AMX
M102A-AMX M400-AMX
All E-Series Products TMS-9000
Upon connection to an instrument, APIcom attempts to determine if that instrument contains the iDAS
capability, and if so, it enables the
button in the Front Panel Window (see
Figure 1-1). If this button is not enabled even though the instrument has the iDAS capability, simply
disconnect from the instrument and reconnect.
4.2. iDAS Configuration and Downloaded Data Dialog
Click on
in the Front Panel Window (see Figure 1-1) or select Download,
graph, save data… in the system menu (icon in the top-left corner of the instrument window) to display
the following dialog box:
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