APIcom Instruction Manual M700 Calibrator Sequences
5.4.7. Generate Step
Editing a Generate step will bring up the following dialog box. The properties are described in Table 5-4.
Figure 5-8: Generate Step Properties Dialog
The following table describes the properties shown above.
Table 5-4: Generate Step Properties
Property Description
Concentration The numeric concentration to generate.
Units The concentration unit to use. The M700 will perform any necessary unit
Gas The gas type to generate. APIcom permits to specify several different gases,
although the M700 may not be able to generate them all. In this case, it will simply
generate zero air.
5.4.8. GPT and GPT Preset Steps
A GPT step will display the following property dialog.
Figure 5-9: GPT Step Properties Dialog
A GPT Preset step will display the following property dialog.
Figure 5-10: GPT Preset Step Properties Dialog
These two steps are almost identical. The properties are described in the following table.
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