APIcom Instruction Manual iDAS Configuration and Data Access
Figure 4-8: Select Records Dialog
The following table describes the properties shown above.
Table 4-5: Select Records Dialog
Property Description
All Downloads all the records stored in the instrument for the selected channels or
Since last
Downloads all the records stored since the last download.
Most recent
Downloads the most recent N records.
Most recent hours Downloads the records from the most recent N hourly intervals. For instance, a
value of 1 will download all records from the beginning of the current hour; a
value of 2, from the beginning of the previous hour, etc.
Most recent days Downloads the records from the most recent N daily intervals.
Most recent weeks Downloads the records from the most recent N weekly intervals.
Most recent months Downloads the records from the most recent N monthly intervals.
Between, and Downloads only the records between specified range of dates and times.
Use instrument’s
date/time selection
If checked APIcom will let the instrument search for records within the
requested date/time range using the instrument’s date/time records. This may
speed up download times, as only the requested data are downloaded.
However, some instruments are very slow at this, particularly if the iDAS data
files in the instrument are large, and APIcom might timeout while waiting for the
instrument to respond (set time-out period in the Instrument Properties -
Handshaking dialog). If APIcom cannot successfully use this option with an
instrument, simply uncheck it and APIcom will download all the records and
then filter out the ones that are not in the requested date/time range, using the
date/time listing of the downloaded file. This is potentially slower, but may be
more reliable. Only newer firmware revisions will support this functionality, see
website for a table of supported firmware revisions.
05499 Rev. A 4-10