xStack DES-6500 Modular Layer 3 Chassis Ethernet Switch CLI Manual
config scheduling_mechanism
strict – Entering the strict parameter indicates that the highest
class of service is the first to be processed. That is, the highest
class of service should finish emptying before the others begin.
weight_fair – Entering the weight fair parameter indicates that the
priority classes of service will empty packets in a weighted round-
robin (WRR) order. That is to say that they will be emptied in an
even distribution.
Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure the traffic scheduling mechanism for each COS queue:
DES-6500:4#config scheduling_mechanism strict
Command: config scheduling_mechanism strict
show scheduling_mechanism
Purpose Used to display the current traffic scheduling mechanisms in use
on the Switch.
show scheduling_mechanism
Description This command will display the current traffic scheduling
mechanisms in use on the Switch.
Parameters None.
Restrictions None.
Example Usage:
To show the scheduling mechanism:
DES-6500:4#show scheduling_mechanism
Command: show scheduling_mechanism
QOS scheduling_mechanism
CLASS ID Mechanism
-------- -----------
Class-0 strict
Class-1 strict
Class-2 strict
Class-3 strict
Class-4 strict
Class-5 strict
Class-6 strict