xStack DES-6500 Modular Layer 3 Chassis Ethernet Switch CLI Manual
The Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) {an adaptation of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)} commands in the Command
Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
Command Parameters
config sntp {primary <ipaddr> | secondary <ipaddr> | poll-interval <int 30-99999>}
show sntp
enable sntp
disable sntp
config time <date ddmthyyyy> <time hh:mm:ss>
config time_zone {operator [+ | -] | hour <gmt_hour 0-13> | min <minute 0-59>}
config dst
[disable | repeating {s_week <start_week 1-4,last> | s_day <start_day
sun-sat>| s_mth <start_mth 1-12> | s_time <start_time hh:mm> |
e_week <end_week 1-4,last> | e-day <end_day sun-sat> | e_mth
<end_mth 1-12> | e_time <end_time hh:mm> | offset [30 | 60 | 90 |
120]} | annual {s_date <start_date 1-31> | s_mth <start_mth 1-12> |
s_time <start_time hh:mm> | e_date <end_date 1-31> | e_mth
<end_mth 1-12> | e_time <end_time hh:mm> | offset [30 | 60 | 90 |
show time
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
config sntp
Purpose Used to setup SNTP service.
config sntp {primary <ipaddr> | secondary <ipaddr> | poll-
interval <int 30-99999>}
Description Use this command to configure SNTP service from a NTP server.
SNTP must be enabled for this command to function (See enable
primary − This is the primary server the SNTP information will be
taken from.
secondary − This is the secondary server the SNTP information
will be taken from in the event the primary server is unavailable.
poll-interval <int 30-99999> − This is the interval between
requests for updated SNTP information. The polling interval
ranges from 30 to 99,999 seconds.
Restrictions Only administrator-level users can issue this command. SNTP
service must be enabled for this command to function (enable
<ipaddr> − The IP address of the primary server.
<ipaddr> − The IP address for the secondary server.
Example usage: