3. Press MENU. The main menu screen appears. The cursor will be on
Calibrate. Press ENTER.
4. Choose the sensor you wish to calibrate. Sensor 1 is the chlorine
sensor. Sensor 2 (if present) is the pH sensor.
5. Choose Temperature.
6. Change the display to match the temperature read from the calibrated
thermometer. Press ENTER.
If the present temperature is more than 5ºC different from the value
entered, an error message appears. To force the analyzer to accept
the calibration, choose Yes. To repeat the calibration, choose No. For
troubleshooting assistance, see Section 9.7.1
7. To return to the main display, press MENU then EXIT.
6.2.2 Procedure
1. Remove the sensor from the flow cell. Place it in an insulated container of water along with a calibrated
thermometer. Submerge at least the bottom two inches of the sensor.
2. Allow the sensor to reach thermal equilibrium. The time constant for both the chlorine and pH sensor is
about 5 min., so it may take as long as 30 min for equilibration.
Sensor 1
Sensor 2
Output 1
Output 2
Sensor 1
S1 Calibration
Sensor 1
pH Independ. Free Cl
S1 Calibration
+ 25.0°C