4. Select function desired with the trackball, then press the C:ENTER soft key
or [ENTER] knob to register your selection.
5. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu.
Plotter function keys
Menu Item Function
Function Key
OFF Assigns no function. —
ADD: ADD NEW WPT Registers waypoint at cursor position. Place cursor
for waypoint location, then press function key.
MWP: MOVE WPT Moves selected waypoint to different position.
Select waypoint, press function key, select new
position, then press the [ENTER] knob.
RUL: RULER Measures range and bearing between two points.
Press D:START POINT soft key to change starting
point if necessary. Range and bearing between two
points appears at the top of the screen.
GWP: GOTO WPT Specify waypoint to set as destination. Enter
waypoint name in window, then press the C:ENTER
soft key.
GRT: GOTO ROUTE Specify route to follow. Enter route name in window,
then press the C:ENTER soft key.
EML: EDIT MK/LINE Displays mark & line menu. Press appropriate soft
key to access menu item.
TRK: TRACK ON/OFF Each press starts or stops recording/plotting own
ship’s track.
TTM: TTM ON/OFF Turns TTM (target track) display on/off. TTM
DTT: DEL TGT TRACK Erases all TTM track. DTT
ALP: ALPHA LIST Displays waypoint alphanumeric list. ALP
LCL: LOCAL LIST Displays waypoint local list. LCL
RTE: ROUTE LIST Displays route list. RTE
DBX: D. BOX ON/OFF Shows/hides data boxes. DBX
CHG: CHANGE CNTRL Changes control in combination screen. CHG
Note: To use CHANGE CNTRL set it on all displays, with the same soft key number.
offered by Busse-Yachtshop.de