Lucent Technologies passageway service provider for merlin legend communications system Marine Radio User Manual

Installing and Configuring the PassageWay
Service Provider
To install the PassageWay adapter:
1. Turn off your PC.
2. Unplug the line cord from your telephone.
3. Connect the DB-25 connector on the PassageWay adapter to the
serial (COM) port on your PC. If your PC has a 9-pin serial port,
connect the 9-pin to 25-pin adapter to the 9-pin serial port, and then
connect the PassageWay adapter to the 25-pin connector on the 9-
pin to 25-pin adapter.
You can use an RS-232 cable to connect the adapter to the PC
if you do not want to connect the adapter directly to the PC.
4. Connect one end of the 4-foot, 4-pair, keyed modular phone cord
(D8AC) to the PassageWay adapter.
5. Perform one of the following steps:
If you have an MLX-28D or MLX-20L telephone, connect the other
end of the 4-foot, 4-pair, keyed modular phone cord (D8AC) to the
DSS jack on your telephone.
If you have an MLX-16DP or MLX-10DP telephone, connect the
other end of the 4-foot, 4-pair, keyed modular phone cord (D8AC) to
the Adjunct jack on your telephone.
6. Reconnect the line cord to the Line jack on your telephone.