C Commands Summary
MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2 137
This command allows you to dictate how the card handles WAAS corrections. The card will switch automatically
to Pseudorange Differential (RTCM or RTCA) or RTK if the appropriate corrections are being received, regardless
of the current setting.
To enable the position solution corrections, you must issue the WAASCORRECTION ENABLE command.
Example 1:
waascorrection enable 122 waastestmode
Example 2:
waascorrection enable 120 egnostestmode
Example 3:
waascorrection disable
waascorrection enable none
In the first and second example the corrections are interpereted for WAAS and EGNOS respectively. In the third
example the outcome is the same as setting the CONFIG command to STANDARD, where WAAS/EGNOS
corrections are ignored.
WAASCORRECTION keyword [PRN] [mode]
Syntax Range Value Description
keyword ENABLE
- Card will use the WAAS corrections it receives.
- Card will not use the WAAS corrections that it receives.
[PRN] 120-138 - Card will use WAAS corrections from this PRN.
[mode] NONE
- Default. Card will interpret Type 0 messages as they are intended
(as do not use).
- Card will interpret Type 0 messages as Type 2.
- Card will ignore the usual interpretation of Type 0 messages
(as do not use) and continue.