D Logs Summary
MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2 171
GPZDA UTC Time and Date
This log will output all null data fields until the GPSCard has set fine time as monitored by the receiver status word,
see Table D-5 Receiver Self-Test Status Codes on Page 198, bits 8,9 and 10.)
Local time zones are not supported by the GPSCard. Fields 6 and 7 will always be null.
$GPZDA utc day month year
Field Structure Field Description Symbol Example
1 $GPZDA Log header $GPZDA
2 utc UTC time hhmmss.ss 220238.00
3 day Day, 01 to 31 xx 15
4 month Month, 01 to 12 xx 07
5 year Year xxxx 1992
6 null Local zone description - not available xx , ,
7 null
Local zone minutes description - not available
xx , ,
8 *xx Checksum *hh *6F
9 [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]