3-2 Raynav 300 GPS Plotter
The modes that contain more than one page of data provide additional
soft keys which cycle through the pages. The highlighted soft key
indicates the screen mode currently displayed.
Note: Press the DISPLAY key for at least two seconds in any display
mode to return to the GPS/Waypoint display.
Data Display Pages
In all graphical display pages, the steering instruction is STEER
STARBOARD if the XTE is 0.01nm or more to port, STEER PORT if the XTE
is 0.01nm or more to starboard or ON COURSE if XTE is less than 0.01 on
either side.
If no Goto or follow is in progress, the steering instruction is NOT
FOLLOWING and no steering arrows are shown.
The arrows either side of the steering instruction and pointing towards it
are dependent on the XTE. The first arrow is shown when the difference
reaches 0.01nm and the second at 0.05nm.
Textual data provides Position, SOG, COG, Bearing and Range to
waypoint, Time and Date, Time To Go (TTG), Steering Indicator,
Sunrise, Sunset, Fix Status and XTE. Any unavailable data is replaced by
dashes, one per character. When there is no GPS fix but there is a value for
the last fix, this is shown instead.
The waypoint name is shown unless there is no target, in which case NOT
FOLLOWING is shown. If Goto cursor is in progress, GOTO CURSOR is
The FIX status indicates D-FIX for a differential fix, SD-FIX for a satellite
differential fix, FIX for a GPS or other Fix, or NO FIX where a fix has not
been acquired. If the simulator is ON, the word SIMULATOR appears after
the fix status.
BRG, RNG and XTE data relate to the target waypoint.
Time refers to local time zone which is set in the System Set Up menu, see
Chapter 4.
The Time To Go (TTG) and Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) data relate
to the target waypoint (not the whole route) and are based on the Speed
Over Ground (SOG) towards the target. If the Velocity Made Good
(VMG) is negative, or data is not available, these fields are replaced by
dashes, one per character.
Sunrise and Sunset times are for today and at the vessel’s position.