3-34 Raynav 300 GPS Plotter
waypoints can be added to the route in the same way as for a new
2. Move the cursor to the required location, and press PLACE WAYPOINT
soft key.
3. Place as many waypoints as required and press the ACCEPT ROUTE
soft key; the default soft keys are displayed.
Note: If you have placed waypoint(s) incorrectly, press the UNDO WAY-
POINT soft key. Repeat to remove successive waypoints from the route, in-
cluding existing waypoints.
Removing a Waypoint from within the Route
➤ To remove a waypoint from within the current route:
1. Move the cursor over the required waypoint until the letters WPT
appear; the waypoint soft keys are displayed.
2. Press the REMOVE WAYPOINT soft key. The waypoint is removed from
the route and the route is re-numbered.
Note: You can remove the last waypoint from a route, as described in
Adding/Removing Waypoints at the End of the Route above.
• If the route has not been saved, the waypoint is erased.
• If the route has been saved, the waypoint remains on the screen, but is
no longer in the route.
Reversing the Route
This option enables a return route to be generated from an existing route
which is then followed in reverse order, with waypoints renumbered
➤ To reverse the current route either:
• Press the ROUTE soft key followed by MORE.
ii. Press CLEAR to return to the default soft key display.
• Move the cursor over a route leg until the letters RTE appear; the route
soft keys are displayed.
i. Press the REVERSE ROUTE soft key; the current route is reversed on
the screen and the waypoints are renumbered accordingly.
ii. Press CLEAR to return to the default soft key display.