4-8 Raynav 300 GPS Plotter
GPS Source
The Raynav 305 GPS Plotter includes a built-in GPS receiver. However,
it is possible to use GPS data from another GPS receiver connected via
SeaTalk or NMEA.
This option allows you to specifiy the source of the GPS data.
Select MASTER to use the built-in GPS receiver, or REPEATER to use
external GPS data. The factory default is MASTER.
Select the SOG/COG filter setting as required. This can be set to HIGH,
MEDIUM or LOW. The factory default is MEDIUM.
The velocity vectors calculated from the GPS Signal give an
instantaneous measure of speed and direction of the GPS antenna. The
COG and SOG can therefore seem erratic under certain conditions. For
example, when a vessel is moving slowly through rough seas, the antenna
moves from side to side as well as in the direction of the vessel.
The SOG/COG filter averages the velocity vectors to compensate for the
oscillating motion of the vessel, giving a clearer indication of the vessel’s
course and speed.
Slow moving vessels, or vessels sailing in rough seas will benefit from a
high setting, whereas a power boat that can quickly change speed and
direction will benefit from a low setting.
The filter does not affect the calculation of the GPS position.
NMEA Input
Select the NMEA input setting as appropriate. This can be set to either
NMEA or RTCM. RTCM input is 4800 baud only.
Select the language in which you wish information to be displayed. The
selected language will be used for screen text, labels, menus and options,
but will not affect the letters displayed by the context-sensitive cursor.
The language setting also affects the display format for lat/long position
The simulator allows you to operate your Plotter without data from the
antenna and/or external data sources. When the simulator is switched on,
a SIMULATOR data box is displayed during operation, showing that
simulation has been selected.