Microplate Luminometer Maintenance
8 . 5 S e r v i c i n g a n d C l e a n i n g
t h e I n j e c t o r S y s t e m
This section describes service and maintenance work that can
be carried out by the user on parts of the injector system, in-
cluding the MONOLIGHT 3096 injector unit, the injector tubings
to and from the MONOLIGHT 3096, and the injector tips in the
8.5.1 Regular Maintenance and Checks
• After use, rinse the pump thoroughly with distilled or deion-
ized water (Section 8.7).
• If the pump is not used for a short time, it should be primed
with distilled or deionized water.
• Do not operate the pump without liquid.
• Do not bend the injector tubings.
• Check screw fittings of injector tubings regularly for leaks (at
the injector head and at the pump head). If any leaks occur,
determine the cause (loose or defective screw fitting). Tighten
or replace fitting (see section 8.10).
• Check injector pumps for leaks. If liquid escapes below the
pump head, tighten syringe. If liquid escapes at the syringe,
replace the syringe (section 8.12). If there is a leak in the
pump head, you must replace the pump (contact Service).
8.5.2 Cleaning the Injector Unit (outside)
The surface of the injector unit is protected by a sturdy, wash-
able varnish. If it is dirty, or dusty, clean it using a moist cloth. If
necessary, use a mild household cleaner (e.g. detergent, but
never scrubbing powder!).
If liquid gets inside the instrument, turn the pump off, open the
locking door and clean the dirty parts. Determine the cause of
the leak (screw fitting not tight or pump defective) and take the
appropriate countermeasures (tighten or replace the fitting
screw, see section 8.10).