
Microplate Luminometer Slow Kinetics
Procedure with injections
Select the wells to be measured.
Place plastic tub in plate loading compartment.
Initialize injectors (
Prime tubings, if necessary (
). Insert microplate.
Insert microplate correctly in luminometer and close door.
If necessary, run background measurement (
Select the wells to be measured (
Start measurement (
Data point 1: The pre-defined injections and the measure-
ments of the selected samples are carried out in succession
and the measured values are displayed on the screen. If you
have selected too short intervals, the system corrects the in-
tervals using the actually required time.
Then the measurements at data point 2 are performed and
the results displayed. All following measurements are per-
formed in the same manner.
The measurement is finished when all predefined measure-
ments have been carried out (Figure 6-10).