
Microplate Luminometer Slow Kinetics
The program automatically corrects for intervals that are too
If you have defined an interval that is too short, the program
calculates the required intervals using the new time actually
required, and displays it on the screen after measurement of the
data point. The measurement can then be continued with the
new parameters or aborted. For example, if you start a
measurement with 2 samples using the parameters from Fig-
ure 6-2, the time data is changed upon completion of the 1
terval: depending on the position of the selected wells the data
points are e.g. 0 s, 6 s, 12 s (instead of 0 s, 1 s, 2 s).
[Well Timing] tab (with injectors)
Except for the measurement time, enter the parameters for the
individual injections here:
When using one injector:
Select the injector (inj. 1 or inj. 2) by clicking on the respective
box. Then enter the injector parameters.
Please note: Injector 1 injects into the well before the meas-
urement position, injector 2 in the measurement position.
[Volume]: Enter the injection volume in µl (via keyboard or by
clicking on the arrow buttons).
[Injection 1 to measurement delay]: Enter the delay time be-
tween the injection of injector 1 and the start of the measure-
ment in seconds. The hardware-dependent minimum value of
2.05 seconds is defaulted and can be increased.
Or: [Injection 2 to measurement delay]: Enter the delay time be-
tween the injection of injector 2 and the start of the measure-
ment in seconds. The minimum value of 0 seconds is defaulted
and can be increased.
Injector 1 Injector 2