
Use the up/down arrows to select the individual letters of the new route name. If you do not wish
to change the way point name, press SELECT.
Press ENTER after each correct letter. All eight spaces do not have to be used.
Note: If you enter an incorrect character, enter remaining characters, then re-enter incorrect
characters until the entire name is correct. Then press ENTER.
Press SELECT when the name is complete. The next screen allows you to ADD WAYPOINTS or
Use the up/down arrows to highlight ADD WAYPOINTS or DELETE WAYPOINTS.
Press ENTER when the selection is correct
If you selected ADD WAYPOINTS, go to the ADD WAYPOINTS menu.
If you selected DELETE WAYPOINTS, go to the DELETE WAYPOINTS menu.
Use the up/down arrows to select the position for the new waypoint then use the numeric keypad
to enter the new waypoint.
Press ENTER after each waypoint has been added. When you have added all waypoints, press
SELECT to return to ROUTE menu, pressing SELECT again will exit to the MAIN MENU pressing
SELECT a third time will exit the Select System and return to the map.