
System Manager/Zone Coordinator User’s Manual 91
Backing up Current Configuration
To back up the current configuration:
1. From the Home screen, press the Setup icon. The Setup screen appears.
2. If you are at the System Manager, press the System Manager button. The
System Manager Setup screen appears. If this is a Zone Coordinator, press the
Coordinator button. The Zone Coordinator Setup screen appears.
3. Press the Restore Setup Information button. The Restore Setup Information
screen appears.
4. Press the Backup Restore Setup Information button. The Backup/Restore
screen appears, describing the three options.
5. Press the Backup button. The Backup to USB Flash Drive screen appears.
6. If you are backing up the System Manager, connect a USB flash drive to its
USB port.
If you are backing up a Zone Coordinator, go to the location of the coordinator.
(You cannot back up a coordinator to the System Manager’s USB flash drive.)
Connect a USB flash drive to the coordinator’s USB port.
7. Press Continue. The system is backed up to the flash drive. The process takes
no longer than 1 minute to complete.
While the backup is in progress, the message Backup in Progress - Please
wait appears. After the backup has completed successfully, a confirmation
message appears. If the backup failed, a message appears to describe what you
can do.
YK-SMU-0 - Backup to USB Flash Drive
Please connect a USB flash drive to the System Manager
to be backed up, and then select Continue.
The configuration for the System Manager will be stored on the
USB flash drive, under a directory with the model name and
dip switch setting. The process may take around a minute.
Figure 71: Backup to USB Flash Drive Screen (System Manager)