Chapter 1: Installation
There are two aspects of the PC 62C that must be configured using Jumpers. All
other configurations are done via software:
1.1) Setting the base address
This address determines where the board is accessed. This can be set by a 8-way
DIP switch found on the PC 62C Board. The address range are from 0 to 1fffh.
The PC 62C occupy a block of 32 consecutive Byte I/O addresses or 16
consecutive Word I/O addresses. The base address setting controls where the
block starts. This base address must be unique to the PC 62C only and no other
card must occupy this address. If multiple PC 62C boards are installed in one
computer then each board must have a different base address.
The base address can be assigned to any location from 0 to 1fffh in 16 Word
boundaries. Table 1 shows the I/O addresses occupied by standard interface
cards. Refer to the Base Address Setting Table in Appendix A for a list of the
various base address settings that the PC 62C can occupy.
The base address setting can be set by adjusting the 8-way Dip Switch on the PC
62C. Each line on the DIP switch compares an address line in I/O space. Switch
number 1 compares address line A12; switch number 2: address A11 while
switch number 8 compares address line A5. Factory default setting is 700h.
If one of the switches is OFF, then it contributes to the base address. An
example is as follows:
Base Address = Switch 5(A8) + Switch 4 (A9) + Switch 3 (A10)
= 100 + 200 + 300
= 700h