Parameter Description
256, or 512. For information about the
segmentSize parameter, see Using the Auto
Configure Command.
Valid values are multiMedia, database or
Create Read-Only Snapshot Virtual Disk
This command creates a read-only snapshot virtual disk for the snapshot images of a base virtual disk. To
change a read-only snapshot virtual disk to a read/write virtual disk, use the set snapVirtualDisk
convertToReadWrite command.
NOTE: You cannot use this command for a snapshot image that is used in online virtual disk copy.
create snapVirtualDisk userLabel="snapVirtualDiskName"
snapImageID="snapImageID" readOnly
Parameter Description
The name that you want to give to a snapshot
virtual disk. Enclose the snapshot virtual disk name
in double quotation marks (" ").
The alphanumeric identifier of a snapshot image
that you want to add to the new snapshot virtual
disk. The identifier of a snapshot image is
comprised of two parts:
• The name of the snapshot group.
• An identifier for the snapshot image in the
snapshot group.
The identifier for the snapshot image can be one of
• An integer value that is the sequence number
of the snapshot in the snapshot group.
• NEWEST - Use this option when you want to
show the latest snapshot image created in the
snapshot group.
• OLDEST - Use this option when you want to
show the earliest snapshot image created in the
snapshot group.
Enclose the snapshot image name in double
quotation marks (" ").