Parameter Description
virtualDisk or virtualDisks The name of the specific virtual disk for which you
want to define properties. (You can enter more
than one virtual disk name if you use the
virtualDisks parameter.) Enclose the virtual disk
name in double quotation marks (" ") inside of
square brackets ([ ]).
The World Wide Identifier (WWID) of the virtual disk
for which you are setting properties. You can use
the WWID instead of the virtual disk name to
identify the virtual disk. Enclose the WWID in angle
brackets (< >).
Increase the virtual capacity of the thin virtual disk.
This is the value that the virtual disk will report to a
host that is mapped to the virtual disk. Values
smaller or equal to the existing capacity will cause
an error.
NOTE: The maximum capacity is 250 GB.
Set the maximum capacity of the repository virtual
disk. The value must not be smaller that the
physical capacity of the repository virtual disk. If
the new value results in a reduction in capacity to a
level below the warning threshold, the command
will produce an error.
Set the expansion policy to automatic or manual.
When you change the policy from automatic to
manual, the maximum capacity value (quota)
changes to the physical capacity of the repository
virtual disk.
Adjust the warning threshold. If a change to this
value would cause a warning condition, the
command will fail and produce an error.
Allocate capacity from the free extent of the disk
pool. If insufficient space is available the command
When you use this command, you can specify one or more of the optional parameters.