Recurring Syntax Syntax Value
NOTE: The virtualDisksPerGroupCount
parameter is the number of equal capacity
virtual disks per disk group.
create-virtual-disk-copy-attr-value-list create-virtual-disk-copy-attr-value-pair
create-virtual-disk-copy-attr-value-pair copyPriority=highest | high | medium | low | lowest
recover-raid-virtual-disk-attr-value-list recover-raid-virtual-disk-attr-value-pair
recover-raid-virtual-disk-attr-value-pair owner=(0 | 1)
Table 8. Range of Values for Recurring Syntax Elements
Recurring Syntax Syntax Values
IPV4Priority 0 to 7
IPV4VlanID 1 to 4094
IPV6Priority 0 to 7
IPV6VlanID 1 to 4094
IPV6HopLimit 0 to 255 (default value is 64)
IPV6NdDetectDuplicateAddress 0 to 256
IPV6NdReachableTime 0 to 65535 (default value is 30000 milliseconds)
IPV6RetransmitTime 0 to 65535 (default value is 1000 milliseconds)
IPV6NDTimeOut 0 to 65535 (default value is 3000 milliseconds)
maxFramePayload 1500
NOTE: The maxFramePayload parameter is
shared between IPv4 and IPv6. The payload
portion of a standard Ethernet frame is set at
1500 bytes, and a jumbo Ethernet frame is set
at 9000 bytes. When using jumbo frames,
make sure that all of the devices contained in
the network path can handle the larger frame
tcpListeningPort (tcp-port-id) 3260, or 49,152 to 65,536
The default value is 3260.