68 GL-1010 Administrator’s Guide
To access the Web-based help system, click the Help link at the
bottom of the page.
In Help, click one of the following tabs:
n To browse through topics by category, click the Contents tab.
You will notice that topics are organized into books. Double-
click on the book or click on the plus sign to the left of the
book to expand the list of related help topics. Within a topic,
you will see What do you want to do? links that when
clicked, will jump to step-by-step procedures. To collapse the
topic, simply click the link once more. Also, within most
topics, you can see related topics by clicking the Related
Topics button.
n To see a list of index entries, click the Index tab, and then
either type a word or scroll through the list.
n To search for words or phrases that may be contained in a
Help topic, click the
Search tab.
In the left frame of the Help window, click the topic, index entry,
or phrase to display the corresponding topic in the right frame.
Viewing Device Information
The TopAccess Device tab shows the following information
about the GL-1010:
n Device Status
n Device Name and Location