Constructing the view layout with associated metrics
Chapter 3 Building custom views 109
The summary bar and summary pie charts are graphical chart types that can only be
applied to graphical metrics (series or multi-series), and can only display one number
per item in a set.
Figure 44 illustrates the drop-down menu opened for the Number of Processors
chart. Each icon in the chart drop-down selection menu contains a tool tip that
describes the chart type designated by the icon, as shown in the illustration.
Figure 44 Changing the Chart Type
To remove a metric from the chart, click
Delete, or press the Delete key on the
keyboard. To delete the entire chart, right-click the chart and select
Delete Object. If all
metrics are deleted from a chart and you click
OK, an error message tells you that
“No objects have been created.”
Summary Bar
Displays values as vertical bars for the appropriate time periods
(dates or hours)
without the constraints of a time-based axis.
Since these charts do not have a time axis, there can only be
one number per item. When viewing a chart with more
than one value per item, the values are summarized to a
single mean value.
Summary Pie
Displays values as wedges for the appropriate time periods
(dates or hours) without the constraints of a time-based
axis. Since these charts do not have a time axis, there can
only be one number per item. When viewing a chart with
more than one value per item, the values are summarized
to a single mean value.
Text properties and table metrics have fixed styles. Chart styles cannot be changed for these
types of metrics.
Chart Type Icon Chart Type Description