Managing data sources
128 Perceive Getting Started
When you perform an action in any of the action-available columns, a message
displays at the bottom of the page confirming that you were successful in performing
the intended operation.
The following sections detail how you can manage data sources in Perceive using the
Manage Data Sources page.
Priority Static None. Displays numeric priority value, set
at installation. Use higher numbers to
represent greater priority. For example,
you can set a higher priority for Agent
History data than a Visualizer data
Action Active Link Clicking New displays fields on the
bottom of page to add new data sources.
Clicking Copy displays fields on the
bottom of page to copy new data sources,
and displays arrow on Copy Indicator
column, illustrating which data source is
being copied.
Clicking Delete (only available when the
data source is deactivated) prompts you to
OK the delete action and displays success
or error messages at the bottom of the
page regarding the action.
Clicking Activate/Deactivate activates or
deactivates the selected data source and
displays fields on the bottom of the page
indicating which data sources have been
activated or deactivated.
Clicking Refresh refreshes the selected
data source and displays fields on the
bottom of the page identifying the data
source refreshed.
Copy Indicator Active Clicking Copy displays arrow in this
column, illustrating which data source is
being copied.
Table 10 Manage Data Sources Table (Part 2 of 2)
Ta bl e He ad in g Contents Actions Performed