Finding computers
Chapter 2 Using Perceive views 77
To search for computers to add to groups
1 From the Views tab Results Pane Selector Panel, click the Search icon beside the
Computer: [All]
field. The following figure shows the rollover text describing the
Search icon.
Figure 29 Search Icon Rollover Text
2 On the Search window, you can use asterisk, brackets, and question mark
wildcards to search for computers. For example,
sun* finds computers such as
sunbgs1, suntan, sunrise, and so forth. Search expressions are case insensitive. See
“Using wildcards to search for computers” for more information.
3 Limit the scope of your search using the drop down list ([All] or group-name) and
A table displays the search results with the check boxes already selected. The table
shows the returned computers and the groups to which they belong.
To remove a computer from the search results, de-select the computer name in the
Results window. The number of computers automatically decreases by one, as
displayed in the total count in the table header.